
Saturday, December 31, 2011

bye bye 2011^^i left it with a lot of memorable moment!

timeline for 2011(most important event)^^
March 2011: it's SS3 concert live in KL.  that was my first time went to concert. first experience. speechless. amazed. mesmerized. awesome. DAEBAK. all in all. it was the best moment ever. even we just bought the cheapest tix. for the first time. even, we just can see our boys from a far, it's ok. next time. we will be in front of them. surely! the moment we step into the stadium. just one word. WOW! we were so excited to see our boy's performance. we can't wait anymore even it was about 1 hour just before the concert. we couldn't wait. we wanted our boys as soon as possible. once the lights were shut off, what an awesome sapphire blue just in front of our eyes. then, our boys came up on the stage with their charismatic and passionate dance! i couldn't even blink my eyes throughout the concert. just because i was afraid that i will missed the important part of the concert. at the end of the concert. my eyes kept teary. overall, it was a wonderful concert ever.

May 2011: Join Hari Belia to attend Super Junior M concert. Got so many challenges that we (My friend and I) need to face  to attend this memorable concert. we need to join Rakan Muda IPT(not sure the real name is..whatever!) for free accommodation such as transport and hostel. we need to play netball. yeah. even I "pancit" play that thing. unbelievable what, we were in top 5. we had about 20 groups maybe (not remember again!)yeah. our group's name, Superb Girl. That's my idea!bwahahaha. that night, we got to attend SUJU M concert. even we were not in a front row. but, at least, we could see our boys clearly. haha. they were so handsome and charming!  we were pushed by others till our body ache and hurt badly (exaggerate again). but. really. dammit this people. even this concert is free. please consider others situation. i  was so surprised to see  many fans waiting for Super Junior! Proud to be ELF! Damn! i wish i could stand with them on the stage. lucky for those who could interact with our boys! i wondered how they get the chance like that??hurm. is it from any contest or what till they were given a chance to interact with my oppas??jealous.jealous till death. anyway, this is my memorable moment for 2011. Super Junior always in my heart!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

got it! got it!

hehe. smlm.. ak, ana and kakak dia..kak teha pegi kl. to be specific korea plaza!!!!!!kitaorg p pnya la smgt kn..jln kaki dr stesen monorail raja chulan. fuh!nseb bek dekat jek menara hup seng tuh. kat menara tu la letaknya korea plaza. hurm. first impression. blur!sbb ak ingat tmpt dia besar. rupanya kecik je. pastu ak jd segan sbb ade la plak budak2 kumpol kt situ. practice dance or what. i have no idea about it. ak nk tour kt situ pon jd segan2. pastu ktorg pon just walk in and ckp nk register for saranghaeyo korea club a.k.a SKC. so, kami fill in the form. n bagi duet for registration. but, org yg incharge tu ckp FOC!!!!haha. tekejot ak!!ak xtaw pon free. ak da get ready physically and psychologically neh nk keluarkan duet RM20.00. hehe. tut tut!free.unbelievable!! well rezeki kami. asal ak smgt beno nk jd member SKC neh??ONE REASON JE. FOR SUPER SHOW!! senang tok concert je nanti. dpt special privelege cket. haha.
My SKC Membership Card^^it's free!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Visit^^AJINOMOTO & YAKULT Factory!

last week, my friend and I went to Ajinomoto Factory. a very first experience^^yeah~there are so many things that we learn there.

 The shocking Truth About MSG:
  • MSG causes hair loss? ans: there are no evidence for this claim. Hair loss problem maybe caused by several factors namely genetic, stress, changes of hormone, structural hair defects and medication.
  • MSG causes thirstiness? ans: thirstiness may be due to the excess of salts in foods. If sodium, the major component in salt excess, thirstiness will naturally result. Certainly MSG contains sodium. However, MSG contains only 12% of sodium whereas table salt contains 40% and the amount of MSG used for cooking can be far less than salt. Thus, the thirst-response to MSG is less than that to salt. So, beware of salt because it can cause hypertension!!
  • MSG is a chemical? ans: MSG is produced from natural ingredients such as tapioca or sugar cane through fermentation, a process where used in making "tapai", soy sauce, vinegar and yogurt.
  • MSG cause migraine? ans: There is no specific evidence on this claim. The exact cause of migraine is not fully understood. There are many theories about the causes such as heredity, neurology brain disorder etc.
  • The more we put MSG, the better taste we will get? ans: Not true!! Only a small quantity of MSG is needed to achieve optimum taste. Further addition of MSG will result in a decline of food patalability and cause wastage. Yeah. this is gonna be true because i had experience about it. I put a lot of MSG when I cook last time. OH MY. u know what. my food is horrible!haha. even, my cat did not dare to eat the food that I cooked. 
      One of the Ajinomoto products that I like so much is (indeed it's better than Campbell!oopss!!):

Yakult^^origin from Japan!
Yakult Ace (Original Flavour)
Yakult Ace Light
 Yakult is a high quality probiotics in the form of a cultured milk drink. Yakult contains the probiotic bacteria "Lactobacillus casei Shirota" (also called the "Shirota strain"). With 30 billion live Shirota strain in each bottle, Yakult has among the highest concentrations of probiotics compared to other probiotics on the market (most probiotic drinks and supplements claim to contain at most 1 to 10 billion live probiotic bacteria per serving or per capsule).

Nutritional information
Per bottle or per serving of 80 ml, Yakult Ace contains:

- Energy
- Protein
- Fat
- Cholesterol
- Carbohydrates
- Total sugar
- Calcium
- Niacin
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
63 kcal
1.0 g
0 g
0 g
 14.6 g
14.6 g
58.8 mg
17.0 mg
1.2 mg
2.5 µg
1.0 µg
- Over 30 billion active Shirota strain

Per bottle or per serving of 80ml, Yakult Ace Light contains:
- Energy
- Protein
- Fat
- Cholesterol
- Carbohydrates
- Total sugar
- Dietary fibre
- Sodium
46 kcal
0.9 g
0 g
0 g
10.6 g
7.6 g
38 mg
- Over 30 billion active Shirota strain
 the rest information, u can read it here!

Monday, December 26, 2011

okeh..saya jelous^^

actually, byk bende yg ak jealous dgn org.

  1. ak jealous bila tgk org pandai. ak pnya la stdy, tp some people may be they are genius or otak cpt pick up..when in exam, they excel. okeh. fine. ak just redha. may be it's not my rezeki. yg penting ak belaja. rezeki msg2. tapi, kdg2..kalo la ak dpt higher mark than org2 camneh. ak mesti YESZZA!*dalam hati* pastu ak bongkak, takbur!ya ALLAH, mintak la jaoh perasaan camneh dari diri ak. ak bersyukur dgn apa yg kau berikan padaku, ya ALLAH. jadikanlah ak hamba-Mu yg selalu bersyukur!Amin.. dat's the one i want to change it. 
  2. ak jealous bila tgk org ad pakwe, pastu kna propose in a romantic way.dush! mmg. okeh. fine. i'm still single. alahai. untungnya that girl yg kena propose tu. dalam diam2 ak pon harap ak dpt jmpa laki yg camtu. haha. ok. i may not good enough. but, please Ya ALLAH, tie me  with a man who are really willing to accept me the way i am. Amin. org kapel, oke. ak xkesa. p dlm hati ak kesa la jgak. sbb umur da 21thn. p calon xde lagi.  d one thing that ak slalu pegang. Allah da tetapkan ajal, maut, jodoh di dlm rahim ibu lagi. so, ak percaya, even ak xkapel pon. insyaAllah.kalo ada jodoh, xkn ke mana.
  3. ak jealous bila org baek sgt, da la cantek, berbudi bhasa. package complete la. okeh. sbb ak neh x la baek.(p ak xla jahat).haha. cume nakal sikit je. ak neh kasar. x lemah-lembut. p sometimes ak bole je jd lembut. hehe. berbudi bahasa tu ad la. especially kt org tua. mesti la kna respect kn. kdg2 ak memberontak gak ngn ma ak. anak xkenang budi kan?haih. nseb baik la ak ad mak yg layan je karenah ak. bila ak merajok dan x bertegur-sapa. dia yg selalu tegor ak dulu. tp, tu dulu la.zaman bodoh2 dulu. skrg da besar, da xbuat da bende camtu. dear ma!i love sooooooo much!!!neh kes homesick.tibe2 nk nangs ckp psl mak!!;(((     


    Monday, December 19, 2011

    Forever 21^^

    finally..i'm 21 years old..oh no!!!!!!thank u so much for those who wish my besday!may Allah bless u all. a trillion thanks to my evil, devil housemate for their hard work to plan a party for me! it's quite kejam ok when korang baling tepung time ak tgh tidor.aiyak!cam nenek kebayan suda. yeah. i'm ready to be a new me. a new me who's very mature enough. haha. the best part is present yg korang bagi. i got the smurf^^
    very cute smurf with a big head, small body^^
    their evil work^^poor my hero!

    yeah^it's my time~it's my birthday

    Tuesday, December 13, 2011

    haha^^because i'm notti notti!^^

    haha^^smlam ak buat jahat cket. cket jer xbyk pon. tgh2 boring baca notes tok presentation culture. ak tiba2 terpikir nk kenakan SI ERK! hehe. but, still comel la ko erk. ak saje je nk bagi surprise kat ko kang. tekejot berok x tgk muka ko kt laptop ak. siap ak jadikan wallpaper lagi taw. terharu kan? kan? baek x ak? haha. ni la adiah dr ak yg  x seberapa untok ko sbb selalu bagi ak pinjam ko punya printer^^hehe. al maklom la, printer ak ngah coma. chronic failure disease. haih. tnggu masa je nk dikebumikan. macam2 buat hal ek kalo time ak xdak duet and ngah berjimat-cermat neh. dulu enset rosak. ok fine, ak beli baru. then, mp3 player ak rosak. ok. ak tahan je sabar. ak beli baru ngn brand laen lagi. then, calculator ak mati kehabisan bateri. haha. memang^^ak rasa da nk campak je kt longkang. xpe la kan. kalo campak calculator pon murah je. ok. setel da. ak da tukar bateri. naseb bek murah je. 4hengget. haih. xdela maelayang sgt duet ak. pastu ada lagi yg buat hal. ak da bengang. ak da nk meletop. printer ak plak rosak! atooooooooi! pusing kepala gue dong. yg neh ak blom repair lagi. ak tnya org yg repair bende elektronik neh. ada ke dia ckp kalo printer rosak beli je baru. printer skrg murah. haiseh. ad jugak mamat neh nk kena belasah n karate ngn ak. hehe. xpe. ak sbr je. t la ad masa ak repair. haaaaa. satu lagi yg paling latest, headphone ak pulak buat hal. ayoyoyo. sebelah je yg bole dgr. pekak sblah la nmpknya ak. hush2. dugaan. so, SABAR je la.        
    haha^^comel x? comel kn? kn? hasil karya Miss Ayu^^

    nyum^^nk pegi cameron highland!

    smlm ak pnya housemate ad bagi strawberry! sdapnya. da lama mengidam nk makan. finally. got it! ASSA! thanks to fariha pah pnya inchik abg^^ijad. Hehe. kalo tak xdapat la eden nk meraso strawberry. beli kt hypermarket je la jawabnya. alamak! bila nk pegi cameron neh. genting highland je pena sampai. cameron belom lagi. okes. my wishlist for 2012, 2013, 2014. Haha. pegi Cameron Highlands!
    red is beautiful^^nampak menyelerakan kn?nk kecuk air liur neh.
    tgk! tgk! dye pnya flesh^^mak aih..sodap nyo!
    strawberry byk khasiat nya taw: antaranya^^

    Buah yang mengandungi khasiat atau provitamin A, vitamin B1, B ,C, antioksidan dan untuk melawan radikal bebas. Selain tu, buah ini juga memiliki keistimewaan atau kelebihan2 yang lain iaitu menjadi anti virus dan anti kanser. so, rajen2 la mkn buah sbb it's nutritious^^sekian saja dr RD AYU^

    Monday, December 12, 2011

    ok^^i hate waiting!

    i'm feel really tired of waiting. esp. waiting for someone. yeah. sometimes i'm also make others waiting for me, but it's not often, ok! FYI, i'll always felt guilty whenever i make someone waiting for me. Really. before u make someone waiting for u, please think twice. please consider others feeling. this is my advice for those who like to make others waiting and at the same time for myself too. (suddenly become serious matter!). Haha. i'm also waiting for these two items! when will i got to own these thing?what's that?
    i want it so much^^Samsung Galaxy Tab
    ipad 3^^want it. want it!

    Sunday, December 11, 2011

    my baby^^my agi^^

    kalo bole ak nk wat collection doll2 yg kiut-miut neh..umor mcm xsesuai tok bende mcm, doll neh sgt comel!cannot help!kalo bole penoh ats katil mcm roomate ak sorang neh..RENE namanya. Haha. mak aih..penoh katil dgn bantal pelok, bantal busuk,anak2 patong..smp da xde space nk tido. kdg2 ak pon konfius.mana satu minah neh.da tetukar ngan dia pnya anak, kalo ak ad doll yg kiut-miut neh, bole la challenge dia kang?HAHA.yeah.I WANNA BE A CHAMPION IN WAT EVA ASPECT ANYWAY! kwang2.
    his name Dooly. ak suke doll neh sbb tgk kat cite Protect d Boss. Haha. Comel sgt bila hero dye ad doll neh.^^

    this is Angry Bird^^ak suke sbb ak men game dye!

    this is Rilakkuma bear^^ak suke sbb tgk dlm WGM Woojung couple. Jangwoo bagi dkt Eunjung. so sweeet!

    Nippon Tei Japanese Restaurant^^yummy!

    baru-baru neh ak ngn dak rumah ak ad pegi kt japanese restaurant..located at Alamanda, Putrajaya. the reason kita orang p sana sbb nk try la cket mkn mkanan jepon kn. HAHA. ye la. nama pon budak dietetik. kena la cuba variety of food. t tbe2 kna consult org jepon ke. who knows? HEHE. mati tekangkang ak xtaw ap dia orang mkn. neh first time for ak mkn mknn jepon. before this, yg ak taw mkn meehoon sup, bubur, ikan keli. tu la routine ak tiap2 hari. boring for others but for me, ak xpernah rasa boring sbb ak suka sgt bende tu. so, time neh ak cuba la. HURM. boleh la tahan. sedap! p ak plg xsuka sup miso. rasa pelik. HEHE^^

    neh Chicken Terriyaki Bento^^

    yg neh sedap^^p ak da lupa nma dye
    this basically chicken jer^^forgot also what's d name
    spicy soft shell crab^^
    chicken mayo don!yummy^^HEHE

    Saturday, December 10, 2011

    snow white^^a beautiful song sang by my oppas!keke



    my first album^^since i'm stingy person!

    mine is kyu's cover, rene(my roomate) is hyuk's cover! we're crazy ELF!

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    my beloved bias!!!KyuHyun oppa!Saranghae!!!!




    SexyKYU  p/s:Credit to this site!tq so much!!!

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    pRocess mengenal diri sendiri!!!

    Kalo ikut jenis la personaliti ak!!
    Tenang dan bijak mengawal emosi
    , itulah keperibadian yang jelas terpancar dalam diri individu yang tergolong dalam kategori darah berjenis AB ini. Anda juga sentiasa menghormati orang lain dan ini menjadikan individu yang berada di sekeliling anda berasa selesa untuk berdampingan dengan anda. Anda juga memiliki sikap humor semula jadi dalam diri dan sentiasa bersikap menghiburkan dan ceria.
    Namun ada satu perkara yang harus anda perbaiki dalam diri anda itu. Anda perlu lebih bijak dan berani untuk membuat keputusan sendiri. Jangan biarkan orang lain membuat keputusan untuk diri anda sendiri.
    >>>>amek from this blog!!=)

    This is from date of birth!!!=)Kajian Dr.Fadzillah Kamsah..
    Sangat setia dan pemurah, bersifat patriotik, sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan, sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa, bercita-cita tinggi, bercita-cita tinggi, suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi, seronok didampingi, suka bercampur dengan orang, suka dipuji, diberi perhatian, dan suka dibelai, sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak-ansur, tidak pandai berpura-pura, cepat marah, perangai yang berubah-ubah, tidak ego walaupun harga diri yang sangat tinggi, benci pada kongkongan, suka berlawak, pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran dengan logik.
    P/S:Ada yg gak yg opposite jer ngan ak!keke~~

    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    Red Riding Hood

    after HOP...I enjoyed watching this movie with my beloved friends during study week!!hahaha~~just for reducing our tension!!=)

    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    okeh!ak NEKAD!

    NEKAD!!Esok,ak msti start study btol2..xbole maen2 da..sem neh ak amek 6 subjek..overall>>haha..very2 tough!!=(

    26/4~ PSIKOLOGI
    3/5~  ICT


    Monday, April 18, 2011

    SEOUL GARDEN~here I come!

    ANA..our driver!=)
    My cute friend,AIN n ME!=)

    Some of our dishes!=p

    Tmpt meng'GRIL'..hehe
    Dip meat into sauce!yummy~

    Ramyun aka MAGGI!

    Patbingsu aka ABC!
    P/S: All available at
    hehe~~finally..dpt gak p seoul garden!my wish comes true!waka~~sorry yr ERK n RENE!len kali kite p same2..wah..dpt mkn kimchi!the specialty of KOREA!haha~~but,for me..I can't accept that kind of food!the taste is so weird..hehe~mianhe!sbnrnya..nk mkn bibimbap n dubboki..p xde lak..nex time maybe..ktorg p 3 org..ANA,AIN n AKU..since smua dak umah ak balek..n umah sblh xnk join..ktorg pon dgn hati yg gmbira ke IOI Mall..koz nk merasa makanan KOREA..pnat je air liur meleleh tiap kali tgk citer KOREA..nmpk syok giler diorang mkn..nk rasa gaaak!besh ke x...basically,kt SEOUL GARDEN tuh..dye wat, kami melantak giler2..smp prot terbonjol kuar..haish..yg sdey nya..kpala ak lak tbe2 pning..MIGRAIN maybe..da la ngah syok2 mkn..saket kpla la plak..kcaw mood btoi..p even saket pon..ak mlantak je byk...mmg nk tmuntah gler...byk jgak la kami melantak...kimchi,patbingsu aka ABC..kte owang bbq daging le..seafood la..haish..mmg bbaloi la..p kalo p ramai2 lagi la syok..dkt 2 jam gak kt SEOUL GARDEN tuh kt owang mlantak..maw x pcah prot!wakaka..pnat le nk type lg..neh ad gmbr ktorang SNAP cket..hehe~~jgn jelous!yg pasti HALAL!!smua org bole mkn!!=)

    Sunday, April 17, 2011

    finally~~im cried!!=(

    hahaha~~tibe2 ak emosional mlm  neh..sgt2 homesick..pas call my mum..tros xtaw nk wat dgr lagu reason by 4men!haha~~lagu yg sgt sdey tuh..mgenangkan suasana yg sepi gile neh..air mate ak pon menitis la..nk stdy????mmg le xde mood..haish..ikotkan hati nk je balek umah..p kalo balek umah..bknnya bole pkai sgt ak neh..kt sini pon da x stdy..kt umah apatah lagi..jgn arap..kpd insan yg bername ERK,RENE n ANA! tibe2 rindu kt kowang..sbb kowang la satu kpla ngn ak!keke~~xtaw nk cite kt sape ak bru tgk WGM la..citer korea la..wakaka~~bese ak ok je..disebabkan sunyi sgt..tringat la plak kt kowang..da2..sekian,terima kaseh!=(

    i'm CRAZY!hahaha~~=p

    yeah~~done watching woojung couple aka campus couple!!!i think i've fallen with jangwoo..he's like playful..with eunjung on their first meeting..they are so comfortable with each other..there's no awkward atmosphere..=)..very2 like dis couple..they are also hoobae-sunbae relationship actually..they attended same university..what a coincidence!keke~~i'm looking forward for their relationship!even MC at studio astonished with them..keke..=)..hopefully dis couple will be great couple as ADAM n GOGUMA couple! yeah~ n for KHUNTORIA couple~can't wait to watch them for nex week episode!why??haha~dats bcoz of lee yong dae!!!my BB..whose a badminton lover will know who is he..yeah,he's so charismatic when playing badminton! wow!!his skill is unbelievable..every time he hav a match with koo kien keat and tan boo nerve is wrecking!Yeah~of coz i will support my country first!MALAYSIA BOLEH!keke~~btw,can't wait to see him in his real life!=)..WGM Jjang!!!

    Saturday, April 16, 2011

    saye HOMESICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    huwaaaaaaaaa!!!!!sdey2..bile xde or kt rumah neh..tbe2 tringat kt umah..maaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!nak balek!!!=(=( da la rumate ak si RENE ERK pon ANA pon balek...geng2 gile korea sume baleks!sdey2.. dlm bilik dop la mgadap si TINA patung RENE!hurm..imagine je la tu RENE..haish~~tiba2 rase rindu la plak kt minah 3 org tuh..(segan lak nk confess ak rindu kt dowang!)..btw,mmg...ak rindu kt kowang kalo kowang xde!! puas??? week!!!tp ak mls gler nk study!da la internet xdpt...nseb bek ad my BB neh..even slow mcm siput!okeh la...bole la gak bkak!hurm...ap nk wat neh??????????boring...rumah sblh mcm meriah jer...xrmai balek!haish...asal housemate ak neh rmh dkt2??????nseb la ak..asek kna tnggal sowang jer!

    Friday, April 15, 2011


    choco pie!!!!want it so much!!!stok choco pie da abes..=( sad!da la ssh nk dpt kt kdai..asal ek???xpaham btol..carik2 kt mall ke..msti xdak..haish..da nk jd cam gula ke??kjap ad kjap xde..aarrgghh~~pk choco pie neh..wat ak drooling je..hehe..disgusting!then,cookie house kt atas tuh!cute gler!tgk adam couple la..tpengaruh lak..sweet gler JOKWON!waarrgghh~~besnya dpt cookie house!=)..kwn2..buat for my besday t yek!*wink2*..heee=)


    wow!today is da last lecture!gmbira giler!aseimen pon da hntar smua kat lecturer!study week is coming too!! dont know whether ak leh focus on study x??haish..maseh x insap lagi neh mslhnya..bole ke ak score for dis sem??(bfikir dlm hati jer)muahaha~~time neh x rase sgt..p bile da  dpt result..tgk org laen excel..time tu lah bru mnyesal n rse malu sgt..ak pnya gol nk dpt at least 3.5 balek la dis sem..sem lps da jatuh trok!(gara2 mls study!) da dapat la study wahai NOR IDAYU!peace no WAR!=P

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011


     Last week,lepak2 kat mines ngn erk,rene n ain..sbb ktorg boring n tension, kuar la..pas tgk citer HOP yg cumei..hehe..cumei sbb karton tuh kura2..hurm..tbe2 tringat kt my kura2..YURI & RYU!MISS THEM A LOT!=(..continue...pastu jln2..msok smua kdai kt mines..kdai wjib adlh kdai phone le..tgk la my favorite phone.. LG Chocolate & Lollipop!!!!Nk sgt phone tu..(dlm ati je la) koz bru je tkar my phone..haiseh..xsmp stahun lg...MELEPAS JE LA..SOMEDAY~~insyaAllah..nak jugak phone besh kalo ad org bg besday present ke!!!^double jerk^wakaka~

    im back!!

    heee~~disebabkan mnusia yg bername ERK! haha..bru syok bile rmai kwn2 saye da ad blog msg2..keep updating ur blog ya my fwenz!bubbye!sekian..terima kaseh!