Sunday, January 1, 2012
2012^^New Mind, New Heart, New ME
for this year countdown, as usual ak just count on my own with some of my friends in our beloved room!haha. sedih. xpenah countdown live and tgk fireworks piong piong kt langit. tgk dr jaoh je la yg ak mampu. tp kami lucky what. dpt tgk fireworks from putrajaya, klcc, dataran merdeka, dan byk la. about 10 places at the same time! best best best. dalam hati sedih sbb usia pon da melanjut. da 22 thn pon. hurm. boy xder. *yg tu xpyh risau. kalo da jodoh. insyaAllah* petik dari kata-kata Annadconda. haha. ok. fine. perangai. still susah je nk berubah. p ak try jd yg lebih baek drpd perangai ak yg skrg neh. da x mau jd childish. must behave like adult. yeah. it has been 22 y.o!iyuuu. tua. tua. then, lg satu si dia neh. THAT BOY. asal la ak susah sgt nk padamkan dia dr hati ak neh??maybe sbb he's my first love or my crush??ak pon xtaw. haih. nk kata he's my crush. xkot. ke mana je ak p, ad je yg yg msok list ak. haha. nakal x? nakal x? kahkahkah. ak tgk ko menggatal ngn pompuan len, ak pon stil jealous till now. pdhl ko xkesah pon kt ak kn? kita xkapel pon. haha. just kwn. ko xtaw isi hati ak and ak pon xtaw isi hati ko. we are just FRIEND. and ak plak bkn jenis yg suka luah perasaan ak kt laki. x macho la ak kalo camtu. haha. egoistik. time besday ak pon ko xpenah wish even kat FB. entah2 ko xtaw pon besday ak bila. ak pon maybe ko da xkenal. ak je yg terhegeh2. bila besday ko, semangat je ak wish. bila ko reply comment ak, ak excited. ok. ak rasa ak da mature enough to think what is the best for me. ak rasa ko mmg bkn untuk ak. so, ak get ready untuk try bukak pintu hati ak for others. Amin~*hands up*dgn ini, I amended my heart to forget you. hehe. bye bye. please, get out of my mind! *hands down* yeay!
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