
Monday, December 17, 2012

weak student??

oh hoi!!! yabidabeduuuuu....
tetiba rajen nk berblogging..FYI, aku sekarang tgh bekerja@berpraktikal. disebabkan dietitian is not around, letssssss parttttyyyyyy!!!!*joget2* HAHAHAHA

apesal tajok post mcm haraammmm, sensitip jewww??..*gedix* dush!!
ini punya post bukan ntok mengata, mengumpat or mengejek sesiapa. Post ini tiada kaitan dgn yg hidop ataupun yg telah mati, okkaaayyy.. post ini adalah salah satu sesi luahan hati aku yg asyik dok meluah perasaan jer kejenya. eden stressss, kome mana tau..=p

Firstly, siapa weak student in my batch?? ans: no doubt, it's me, dude!! bukan mahu bangga or what..tapi, that's reality I need to realize before anybody else. stress ke? stresss giler. what if lecturers compare me with other friends? I think I will be insane. ok, itu tipu..

Ya Allah..sapa yg suka tergolong dlm kalangan yg lemah? aku pon x hingin. walaupun aku xtahu la exactly aku ni tergolong in that "weak list" or not. But, aku yakin and confident la weyhh. ada nama aku kat situ. and now I'm really speechless and emotionless. xtahu nak gembira, sedih, murung, devastated? oh ho. Actually, aku rasa la..selama aku berpraktikal ni..aku boleh je buat apa yg dietitian nak. But, maybe there were some part where I need to improve. Kalau la lecturer nk evaluate based on evaluation done by dietitian, aku rasa mcm no prob je. *poyo je lebih* 

Sejak dulu lagi, asyik kena je dgn lecturer. Sebab muka blur yg obvious bila kena tnya soklan xdpt jwb..padahal org lain pon blur, dorang pndai cover line. Malang la bagi manusia mcm aku ni yg asyik blur and it was so obvious to be identified. Then, this coming presentation..I bet ak mmg akan kena hentam habis-habisan beb! 

post ni mcm ak hapy je dok cite, tapi sebenarnya it's a full of frustration actually. sob la. ok, bye!

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